Analysis Of The Film 'HEATHERS'

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In the film HEATHERS, the narration of the films plot demonstrates the carelessness and lack of genuine feelings produced by teenagers. From the very beginning of the movie in the opening scene, the film shows the three girls stomping over a rose path. This choice of narrative explores how the roses that someone worked hard to achieve meant nothing to the girls, therefore they could stomp on them all they desired too. The film continues on into the lunchroom scene in which the films narrative brings up another strong point. The point that teenagers have little depth to their friendships and to their lives in general. In the lunchroom scene we are taken on a tour of the cliques in the school. Like every school there are the jocks, nerds, potheads, wealthy kids,etc. But the similar charectaristic in each group is their lack of concern with each other. Their selfish attitudes and behaviors consume every idea and action. This aspect of narrative points out the selfish behaviors of the youth then and …show more content…

While problems such as bulimia, suicide, and murder continue to come up throughout the film, the charectars are rarely affected by it. This shows how the narration proves that teenagers do not care about the world unless it directly impacts them. In one particular scene this idea of ignorance plays out when after a funeral a charectar in the film desides to wash her hair with the holy water at the cathedral. This demonstrates multiple points of disrespect and ignornance. This issue doesn’t just reside with the teens, but even trickles to the adults. After one of the suicides in the film the teachers are having a conference. In the conference they are trying to decide how much time the students should get off. While the teachers could care less about the suicide and don’t even recognize the name of the student that passed, the feel that they are obligated because she was a

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