Analysis Of 'The End Of Men'

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Rosin, Hanna. “The End of Men.” Minding the Body, edited by Katherine McAlvage and Martina Miles. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon Composition Program, 2015.
The author argues that women now have more advantages in higher education and the workforce than men. She also argues that women have more useful skills that are required by college education and economy than men, which would lead to the rise of female domination. The selected section of “The End of Men” has twenty sources, from TV shows, movies, newspapers, Journals, interviews and etc. Its mode is more objective than subjective, and the article seems quite credible. The book was published in 2010, so it is a recent source. This source will help me build the frame of my essay because it provides the reasons of male-students declining, many scholars’ and college managers’ views about the issue, and possible solutions to solve this issue for me.
Kleinfeld, Judith. "No Map to Manhood: Male and Female Mindsets Behind the College Gender Gap." Gender Issues 26, no. 3/4 (December 2009). Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 22, 2016).
The author argues that female high-school seniors are more likely to attend a college than male high-school seniors. He also argues that those female students see college education as vital …show more content…

The authors also argue that peer influences, social class, and the role of race have contributed to the educational expectations differently for men and women. This research was published in 2013, and its mode is objective. This source is credible because it has more than fifty references, and most of them are scholar sources. I will use this source to come up possible solutions for colleges and communities for the issue of gender gap in higher education, that they need actions to change the educational expectations of men towards higher

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