Analysis Of The Cornerstone Speech

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Alexander Stephens was the vice president of the Confederate states of America during the civil war (1861-1865) and he is the one who gave the famous speech known as “the Cornerstone Speech” where he stated openly the ideas on which the new government was founded: the supremacy of whites over blacks. Stephens played an important role in drafting the new constitution and he had the opportunity to present the new form of government in the speech that took place in Savannah on March 21, 1861. The Cornerstone speech played a pivotal part in certain aspects of the way this nation has shaped out to be. Analyzing this document and other sources will give us insight on what was actually going on in the southern states and how the response of the northern An important element to analyze is Nast’s Cartoon of Lincolns. The way Nast’s cartoon portrays Lincoln are in two extremes, the first image to the left shows the North’s reaction to the President’s inaugural speech showing him holding palm branches and garlands of peace. The second frame however shows how the South viewed Lincoln, as a Roman garb and a helmeted warrior standing on a vanquished foe which represents the South. The expressions of the second image on both Lincolns face and the man laying on the floor shows a sense of hate and aggression towards one It is true that people were free and that black Americans became involved in the political system, but this didn’t last long. After the civil war there was the so called “period of hope”, blacks were able to have a significant impact on shaping the society, they were able to express freedom in many ways and they in fact got those freedoms granted thanks to the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments . But in the south white Americans still argued that society had no obligation to the former slaves and the reconstruction act didn’t change much, and certainly didn’t granted freedom to all mankind. In fact, not happy with the recent amendments, new violent unions started to form such as the K.K.K as they believed that violence could resolve the

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