Analysis Of The Color Purple By Alice Walker

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Alice Walker is the pride of African Americans, who are considered as the most suppressed community within United States. She was born on 9th February 1944 in Georgia. She started her career as a social worker activist, followed by teaching and writer. She has secured many awards for her unprecedented works. The third novel of Alice Walker “The Color Purple” was published in 1982, which gave the real flight to her publications; as she received massive credits from around the world. Her works basically include short stories, novels and essays that are always evidently centered on the struggles and adversities of black women particularly in United States. Walker uses the writing as her standard to spread her voice and to process experiences of …show more content…

In the commencement of "Everyday Use" Dee is styled as lively and Maggie as unclear by their own mother but towards the end of the story reader comes to know that Maggie has inner strength and a heartiest feelings for the people in her own family; whereas Dee appears quite uninformed and confuse about the real meaning of heritage and its worth. (Robins Elizabeth, 2010). The Mama character finds that the best way to protect the essence of the quilts is to end risks and confusions as depicted in Maggie’s eternal “care.” The mockery of this is not disagreeable but emotional which preserve the substances and take them out of everyday use because they consider it as disrespectful because it disrespects the objects’ intended. However the usage of heritage things in daily life is very important because it keeps the history of family …show more content…

Education is also one of the main themes in Walker’s story. Knowledge, values and skills are always transferred from one generation to another generation. Though, education is the key to gain power which is then asserted to offend other beings. This is deliberately depicted in “Everyday Use” on multiple occasions by Dee as she was not pleased with her life up until the church and Mama raised money for her studies; only then she was able to attend school. Walker equals the concept of the scorching of Maggie with the scorching of knowledge in Mama and Maggie. Dee searched for the Worldly knowledge, but Mama and Maggie did not deem for it. After spending some time away from Mama and Maggie, Dee returns in order to search of her lineage. Not because of the emotional attachment, but because of the aspirations to gaze at their simple pattern of living as a novelty one would put on a shelf someplace. When she returned, she described that she has forbidden her name of “Dee’, which reflect slave heritage, for the name Wangero, which she thought represents her African-American origins instead of her slave ancestries. (Marijane Suttor,

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