Analysis Of The Cartesian Circle

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Through Descartes’s Meditations on the First Philosophy, he runs into many dilemmas while trying to rebuild what he knows. One of the most well-known and problematic issue for Descartes is the Cartesian Circle. Even though Descartes believes he solves his problem, many to this day still don’t believe he came to the conclusion he believed he did. Overall, I do not think Descartes properly rescued this problem due to in accurate definitions and lack of distinction and details. This problem begins with Descartes need to get rid of this evil demon that could potential deceive us. This evil demon came about from the Cartesian Doubt method, where Descartes finds the source of a belief, a reason to doubt that belief, and then immunity to that doubt. When Descartes reaches the source of belief in mathematics, due to it’s absolute certainty, his only reason to doubt such a certain belief would be that there is such a thing like an evil demon that exists who is deceiving our perceptions. Therefore, in order to prove that God exists and doesn’t deceive us, he needs to prove there is no e...

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