Analysis Of The Article Erasing Indigenous Indigeneity In Vancouver

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Vancouver currently maintains an image as a sort of maternal ethnic melting pot, a region rich in cultural diversity and with a municipality that is both tolerant and welcoming of various displays and traditions. However, upon closer examination of recent history, it becomes clear that the concept of the city embracing minorities with a warm liberal hug is both incorrect and a form of manipulation in itself. The articles Erasing Indigenous Indigeneity in Vancouver and The Idea of Chinatown unravel the cultural sanitization that occurred in Vancouver at the turn of the nineteenth century as means of state domination. Through careful synthesis of primary documents, the articles piece together the systematic oppression suffered by BC indigenous She chooses to cite only academic publications, Canadian governmental documents, and local newspaper articles in her long list of sources, none of which provide perspective from the people around which the article is centered; the Chinese. This highlights the key issue within the article; whilst Anderson meticulously examines how Chinatown is simply a construction of white supremacists, she ignores what life was actually like for the area’s inhabitants, and how the notion of ‘Chinatown’ may have become a social reality for those living in it. By failing to include sources written by those who lived in Chinatown during the time or live there now, she misses the notion of Canadian-Chinese agency and potential willingness to thrive and adapt in an environment she deems simply a hegemonic construction. Barman’s sources are more all encompassing of varying perspectives. This may be due to the fact that she wrote the article 20 years after Anderson’s, during a time in which history was beginning to be viewed through a culturally-relativistic lens. Whilst including a plethora of academic sources and government documents, Barman also draws extensively from sources of indigenous voice, such as conversations between August Jack Khatsalano and Major Matthews. This allows for the expression of indigenous agency, and reveals how they reacted to a chronology of systematic displacement. This first-hand approach is appropriate in supporting Barman’s thesis, which says that Indigenous peoples were the most adversely affected by urbanization in a variety of

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