Acropolis Essay

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The Acropolis at Athens

Brooks Scholfield
Professor Hutson
Art 35700, Ancient Art
April 29, 2014

The Acropolis of Athens is located in the heart of the city-capital of Athens, Greece. Each year, many tourists are drawn to it because of the historical and iconic significance behind the Acropolis at Athens. “The Acropolis is certainly the focal point of any visit to Athens and every tour starts with the Parthenon.” The Acropolis is made up of 11 structures: the Parthenon, the Altar of Athena Polias, the Erechtheum, the Porch of Caryatids, the Precinct of Athena’s Olive Tree, the Khalkotheke, the Sancutary of Artemis Brauronia, the Statue of Athena Promachos, the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, and the Pinkaotheke. Each …show more content…

The detail to the Parthenon were added years later such as the metopes. As mentioned before, the temple is a Doric order temple but it has some ionic elements as well. The Parthenon is one of the most iconic and significant structures on the Acropolis at Athens. It is the main temple dedicated to the Goddess Athena and by far the biggest structure on the Acropolis. With its Doric order columns preforming a perfect peripital temple, meaning all the columns that design the rectangular shape are free-standing, it stands out with its massive size and balanced composition which crowns the Acropolis. There are 46 columns surrounding the Parthenon, eight columns in the front and back and 17 columns on both sides. There are 23 columns in the inner part of the structure, which makes the proportions of the Parthenon slightly more than double-square. “The inner colonnade and roof were in place by 438 BCE and it was finally completed in 432 BCE. It was made of the finest Pentelic marble and 22,000 tons of the marble was dragged to the city by an oxcart from mines.” The one detail the Greeks took into consideration was how the columns would look from a distance because of how large they are. They developed the idea of entasis, which is simply the idea that the column protrudes outward in the middle and resumes back to a slimmer state towards the top of the column. The entasis effect on the columns helps give the illusion that the columns are standing …show more content…

“It replaced the old Temple of Athena Polias and celebrated the victory over the Persians.” Looking at the floor plan of the Erechtheion, it contained several rooms which are believed to hold sacred precincts and help explain its complex design. “The main east cella was dedicated to the goddess Athena; the west cella was dedicated to Poseidon along with the north porch of the Erechtheion as well.” There is a rumor that the porch preserves the exact spot that Poseidon struck his trident when he was in a contest with Athena. “Numerous other spots of the Erechtheion were dedicated to miracles that happened on the Acropolis such as the spot her olive tree sprang up from the rock.” It was built entirely of marble and contained freizes around the top, just like the Parthenon. The porches are what really make this structure magnificent. “The north porch is more elaborate than the east but the west façade is something most unique about the building as a whole.” The Porch of the Caryatids is what sets the Erechtheion different from the rest of the temples because of the design choices that were made with this porch. Instead of usual Doric or Ionic columns that are seen all throughout the temples on the Acropolis, this porch took a different approach. These columns are called a caryatid which simply means that the columns take place in the shape of a woman.”It

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