Analysis Of Ta-Nehisi Coates Between The World And Me

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In Ta-Nehisi Coates book “Between the World and Me”, he addresses American history, current crises, and ideals to the most intimate concerns of a father for his son, regarding “the black bodies” of women and men, so he writes a letter to his adolescent son, age fifteen, to give him crucial and effective knowledge from his personal, historical, and intellectual development of his thoughts on how to live in a black body in America. From the moment Coates begins his language and tone was driving, passionate, sharp, and straightforward. I automatically thought I was right in front of him as if he was telling me the story; he provided memoir and history along with stories of his own personal experiences and analysis which allowed him to convey the emotional …show more content…

The book is very personal, incisive, and uncompromising towards those who promote or indulge in the racial hierarchy in America. It is not questionable that Coates goal for the letter is not only to advise and give his son knowledge about the idea of race, which damages all people but is more impactful on the bodies of black women and men, but the letter he writes his son is a conversation that black parents must have with their children to protect them from the racist excesses of the police. Not to mention, this is important because after black people experiences of America’s history of destroying their “black bodies” by being exploited through slavery and segregation, and the vulnerability on black bodies today, such as being threatened, locked up, and murdered. Coats makes a valid point about race being the child of racism and not the father. In other words, race is not an indubitable reality because it has been constructed, altered, and

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