Analysis Of Stuff Is Not Salvation By Anna Quindlen

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Most people believe that being wealthy results in being comfortable. But what if becoming materialistic means destroying the person’s character, relationships, and leaving them physically and mentally unhealthy. Is this comfortable? Depending on many perspectives, the purpose of life is happiness, health, and satisfaction. Yet, many believe that with materialism you can achieve a full and purposeful life. In reality, materialism replaces the satisfaction of having life’s necessities with the never-ending desire for things. This can leave people with the feeling of never being fulfilled with their life. In her essay, “Stuff is not Salvation,” author and Pulitzer Prize winner Anna Quindlen states that “there is plenty of need. But it is for …show more content…

They were asked to rank the importance of different goals – jobs, money and status on one side, and self-acceptance, fellow feeling and belonging on the other. They were then given a standard diagnostic test to identify mental health problems. At the ages of both 18 and 30, materialistic people were more susceptible to disorders.” Living a materialistic life is “associated with anxiety, depression, and broken relationships” (Materialism: a system). Seeking to acquire these fantasy based expectation will most likely end in unhappiness. Materialism is not a friend to society. It has the reputation to break a person and their relationships. Can it be just as devastating to the economy? Because Americans are always wanting better and more, it creates a higher demand on products. With this higher demand, comes jobs and economic growth. The supply and demand factor is very important to our economy. However, for individual’s materialism can result in excessive amounts of debt. According to Erin El Issa’s article, “2016 American Household Credit Card Debt Study,” the average U.S. household has a credit card debt of $16,748. The total credit card debt owed by U.S. consumers was $779 billion. This is credit card debt alone. Other types of debt like auto loans, school loans, and mortgages more than double the numbers. In 2016, the average U.S. household carried $134,643 in debt, and the debt owed by U.S. consumers was 12.58

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