Analysis Of `` Still I Rise `` By Maya Angelou

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A Person’s Skin Color Does Not Define Who He or She Is One’s should not have the feeling that others are “better than them” and that you can 't ever be equal to them just because they are a certain skin color. African-Americans had that sad feeling every day until around 1954 and even after that the blacks still had a rough time “fitting in” with the whites. The movie clips “Selma” , “42”, and “The Help”, the painting “Racism/incident at Little Rock” by Domingo Ulloa, the song Glory by John Legend, and a poem called “Still I Rise” By Maya Angelou all include information that a person’s skin color does not define who he or she is. We chose a clip to back up our theme from the movie “Selma”. This movie shows the struggles that the colored went through and what they did to get equal rights.In the movie Dr. Martin Luther King and his followers pressed forward in an epic march from Selma to Montgomery despite the violence that would go on. Their efforts from the march culminated in President Lyndon Johnson voting the rights act of 1965.This clip goes with our theme because these people risk their lives to be just as equal as whites. For our famous painting we picked “Racism/Incident at Little Rock” by Domingo Ulloa. This painting has six African-American children with books in their hands surrounded by evil, white coated things. The 1957 painting was inspired by the ending of public school segregation in Arkansas and across the nation. Also the painting made a connection between Dr. Martin Luther King because the painting has to do with him fighting the movement.He is Known for his advancement of civil rights. This painting shows how colored kids felt on their first day at the white public schools. This piece of artwork goes w... ... middle of paper ... ...e white reporter) wants to write an article from the colored maids point of view. Skeeter sees that this is wrong and stands up for the maids to give them equal rights. Skeeters non-racist feelings towards the help is showing that she does not judge people by there skin color. The movies “Selma,” “42,” and “The Help” all show what it was like to be treated differently because of their skin color. The poem “Still I Rise” is about black people being hated because they are black and not because they have done anything wrong. The painting “Racism/Incident at little rock” is a visual story of ghosts (KKK) surrounding a group of innocent black kids. All of these have shown black people being judged because of their skin color. In the song “Glory,” the black community unites and stands against segregation and racial violence. Finally, they are proud of their skin color.

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