Analysis Of Sonny In Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

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On page ...of the class’s anthology there is a work by James Baldwin entitled Sonny’s Blues. What interests me about this work is the quote, “For, while the tale of how we suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard. There isn’t any other tale to tell, it’s the only light we’ve got in all this darkness.” In this connection, the question that I want to research is why would a man like James Baldwin represent a character like Sonny in Sonny’s Blues? James Baldwin is a man of his words through his experiences in Harlem and this influences his writings and the person whom he was to date. After reading Sonny’s Blues, I came to my hypothesis that James Baldwin would relate himself to Sonny in Sonny’s
During that time, Harlem was a place where art and music were at it’s fullest peak, while there was also an involvement in drugs and violence. In Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin, the unidentified narrator is a teacher in Harlem and has finally escaped the unstable environment is Harlem and went on to create a decent and stable life of his own. The narrator’s brother Sonny was addicted to drugs which led him to prison. When Sonny was attending high school, he found himself being trapped in the world of drugs and violence in Harlem. He is a young man of color who was trying to find himself in the world. He was not quite an adult but certainly not a child anymore. His dreams and desires of becoming a musician was quickly overturned by his brother, the unidentified narrator. This led him to feel constrained and lack of courage. The narrator does not understand Sonny’s desire to become a musician. This is why the brothers did not share a strong
Towards the end of the story, after Sonny’s amazing performance, the narrator saw how Sonny’s struggles and dreams came pouring out through his music. In other words, Baldwin’s literary work, Sonny’s Blues is a story of suffering and triumph. These themes have been depicted countless times in his other works as well. Throughout James Baldwin’s life and in his literary works, he have been trying to make meaning of the cruelty and hardships in life. This is what, precisely, Sonny is trying to do with his music. This is also what James Baldwin did with his life. He believed that these were the things that was worth writing about and these inspirations and came from

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