Analysis Of Schizophrenia In Me, Myself, And Them By Kurt Snyder

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According to The National Institute of Mental Health, “Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling.” Me, Myself, and Them by Kurt Snyder with Raquel E. Gur, M.D., PH.D., and Linda Wasmer Andrews is a firsthand account of one young person’s experience with schizophrenia. Kurt Snyder wrote this book about his life and his schizophrenia story so people can read it and have more knowledge about schizophrenia and understanding on what to do if they, or anyone they knew got this disease. In the book Snyder covers …show more content…

Snyder had fairly normal childhood growing up in Baltimore City, Maryland.He played many sports but lacked the ability to form good bonds with people. One of the most important parts of Snyder’s story was when he began to have symptoms of schizophrenia. He did not really begin to have symptoms until he was in college. He was trying to solve a very difficult math equation and thought he was going to create a mathematical principle that would change the way the world thinks. For hours he would “study”. He would read and look at many books but could never focus to actually absorb anything. He also daydreamed for hours of how he was going to create his theory, which caused him to do very poorly in college. Later on in his college career Snyder began to have symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, like delusion the police were following him wherever he went. He became very disorganized and forgetful, to the point of losing his key, wallet, and even his car. Eventually he stopped going to school and quit the job he was at and began to do handyman jobs to help pay off student debts. His job as a handyman was not going well and his paranoia was getting increasingly worse. The paranoia started as wondering if his customers were watching him every …show more content…

When the train had stopped he got off, not knowing where he was or even grabbing his luggage off the train, later learning he was in Glasgow, Montana. He tried to get some sleep because he had not had much in the past few days, but he could not seem to sleep, so instead he went to the Dairy Queen. After eating he returned to his hotel. While in his room he had a hallucination of a letter he had wrote over 10 years before. He began to think of the things that have happened to him lately, and the solution he came up with was that he had a brain tumor, so he went to have a CAT scan. The woman on duty found no brain tumor, but she recommended him to talk to a doctor and sent him on his way. As he walked through the town, Snyder did not see anyone, so he believed the CIA had evacuated the town. He found an unlocked house and entered, thinking no one was home. The first thing he did was head to the bathroom so he could get some nail clippers because he thought the CIA had implanted something in his hand, but the homeowners saw him. Instead of reacting like you would expect, the homeowners were very understanding and could tell something was wrong with him. They called the police, who took him back to the nurse he had seen earlier. This was the point people

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