Analysis Of Robert Pape's 'Dying To Win'

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In Robert Pape’s Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism he investigates the three hundred and fifteen suicide terrorist attacks that have occurred from its beginning in 1980 up until 2003. By examining these attacks he explains the three logics behind suicide terrorism, the strategic, the social, and the individual logic. Pape uses Dying to Win as a tool to educate the public on suicide terrorism. He hopes people will begin to understand that it is not irrational, but requires reason and strategy. He brings to light that suicide terrorism is not directly correlated with Islamic fundamentalism, but rather political objectives, trying to put to rest many preconceived notions. By understanding the logic behind suicide terrorism people can work together to prevent it from happening in the future. After reading this book it is clear that suicide terrorism is not random, but does demand some thought in order for it to work.
Robert Pape separates his novel into three sections for each of the different logics. Within those three sections are different chapters that dive deep into the main aspects of each logic. In part one, the strategic logic of suicide terrorism, Pape describes that suicide terrorism is a strategy for weak actors that mainly targeting democracies. In part two, the social logic of suicide terrorism, Pape brings to light that suicide terrorism is more related to nationalist ideals rather than religious therefore explaining al-Qaeda’s theories in the process and demystifying them, as well as providing similar examples from other suicide terrorist organizations around the world. Part three delves into the individual logic of suicide terrorism where Pape analyzes Émile Durkheim’s theories of suicid...

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...ated with Islamic Fundamentalism, but many different religions, ages, ethnicities, and gender. He also drives home the point that in order to stop the spread of terrorism people must understand its roots rather than just assuming. Terrorism is a subject that is important for everyone to comprehend because it has spread across the world like wild fire due to globalizations impact on modern society. It has now become an international problem rather than just domestic, therefore it is relevant to all people. Suicide terrorism is a pandemic in this sense because it has gone global. Scientists who study pandemics undergo an incredibly thoughtful process in order to prevent the spread of them. By looking at these processes to cure pandemics, people can learn how to effectively deal with suicide terrorism. Understanding is the key to creating a peaceful society.

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