Analysis Of Proverbs 31 Women

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Mini Paper #1 Growing up I never learned much about the Proverbs 31 women. Looking back, I feel as if I was never told or given much direction on how to be as a woman. I was influenced by media and those around me, but never given much Godly advice on how to grow and the values I should hold and I really was never told what it meant to be a good wife or mother. However, when I was as senior in high school and began to take my faith more seriously, I discovered the chapter on my own. Initially, the verse made me feel someone encouraged and empowered as a woman of God. Although I knew that I was not exactly her, I was comforted in knowing that through God, I could be. Oddly enough, I never put much consideration into the descript of the Proverbs 31 women as an indicator of virtues that should be found in a spouse. Seeing as I am a straight female …show more content…

With society and the culture norms of today, it is easy to fall into the media and Hollywood’s definition of love, marriage and being a good wife. However, Proverbs 30 and most importantly verse 31 are a straight forward indicator of what type of person I should seek and how I should act in a way that is glorifying and right in Gods eyes. Throughout my life from now into marriage and beyond that, Proverbs 31 shows me that I should seek to, not do harm to my husband (Proverbs 31:12), work willingly (Proverbs 31:13), provide for my family (Proverbs 31:15), be giving (Proverbs 31:19), speak with wisdom (Proverbs 31:26), love my children and raise them well (Proverbs 31:28) and ultimately, fear the Lord (Proverbs 31:30). The kind of person I should marry, I would assume, shares almost all of these characteristics. While reading, I noticed a specific reference to husbands, saying that they should trust in their wives (Proverbs

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