Analysis Of Popchips

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As for innovative processes, companies can instead choose to provide the same offering in a different manner. A prime example comes from the packaged chips sector with the international brand Popchips, which sells at a premium price point but offers all the flavor and satisfaction of eating potato chips with none of the remorse. Due to its unique fabrication process of heat-pressure popping their potato chips, Popchips skips the added oils and frying and delivers a quality product that is both low in fat and calories yet high in naturality since it did not use artificial ingredients to reduce either content. To exemplify their success in the premium market, in 2008 the brand had sales of USD $6.5million, and while it is privately owned, their …show more content…

For large multinational corporations that have mass-produced brands, the impression of limited distribution through limited availability can be given instead. This allows larger brands to increase pricing due to the collector value they have given their established brands, since they ensure scarcity through the fact that the products will only be offered for a limited time. Successful implementations of limited editions products can be seen through seasonality like Nestlé’s melon-filled KitKat chocolates or Mars’ M&M candies tied to releases of Hollywood movies. Anything from seasonality, to holiday events or flavorings could be used by companies to activate this type of strategy. The disadvantage from executing limited editions is that the brand is still perceived as a mass producer since it has not limited its access points, and while its value can increase, it will be temporary. For a brand to go to a premium or super premium positioning, it should ideally go through selective distribution to enhance the prestige of its image in the …show more content…

Human psychology has conditioned the mind to correlate the price of a good with its quality superiority, even if the actual excellence promised is not present. Therefore, for a customer to automatically perceive the branded product as premium, a high-price must be associated with the proposal. For a brand in the packaged food and beverage industries, though, price should be closely tied towards valorizing the benefits it is providing its customers. Emphasizing the importance the roles of product, production and distribution actually play in premiumization

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