Analysis Of People Should Not Eat Fast Food

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Consequently, people should focus on raw, fresh foods and forgo fast food altogether in order to protect themselves. According to the article "People Should Not Eat Fast Food," the author also mentions different ideas that " [n]eedless to say, if your diet consists of burgers and super-size sodas, your meals may be cheaper, but it is also excessively high in grains, sugars, and factory-farmed meats." (Mercola). Absolutely, this is a recipe for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease because it carries huge amounts of calories, fat, and sugar. Truly, a hamburger is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patty of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bread roll or bun. Hamburgers may be cooked in a variety of ways, including pan-frying, …show more content…

According to the article "The Influences of Mental Health and Culture on Weight and Eating Disorders," the author names Barbara Wexler indicates that " [b]ecause overweight and obesity often contribute to emotional stress and psychological disorders, a cycle develops that couples increasing weight gain with progressively more severe emotional difficulties." Indeed, overweight and obesity also exact a personal toll, with affected individuals at increased risk for emotional, psychological, and social problems. In addition, overweight children, teens, and adults suffer from depression, low self-esteem, mental health, and emotional problems more than their normal-weight counterparts. Furthermore, obese children are often the target of bullies. For instance, girls especially, as their hips and buttocks become larger and breasts develop. So, they tend to become increasingly concerned about their appearances and more aware of thin women images in the media. Because of their abnormal appearances, they feel nervous while they are in front of other people. They scare people 's comments about their bodies. Therefore, they lose their self-esteem, and they lose their confidence in front of …show more content…

" (Berg et al.) Actually, The United States become more modernized and industrial, and the pace of life sped up. Moreover, the huge quantity of people contribute working day, so they do not have much time to spend for their cooking at home. They totally depend on convenience food and fast food restaurant in order to save time for their families and their activities. There are many risings in overweight and obesity because they are relying on processed, convenient, and calorie-dense, saturated-fat-laden fast foods. Besides, societal changes such as women entering the workforce in large numbers, so more meals are eaten in restaurants instead of at home kitchen. Indeed, many women go out for working, so they do not have time to prepare food. In addition, the development of technology, there are more entertainment channels in television and video game viewing patterns, so people spend more time on these entertainments. As a result, less exercise, more eating convenience food, and too much entertainments are all serious problem that cause the high risk of people lives nowadays. According to the article "Obesity Fits any Reasonable Definition of Disease," the author names Kahan Scott mentioned that " [o]besity is usually dismissed as the result of unhealthy

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