Analysis Of My Journey After Death

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My Journey After Death, by Alice Adamek OR The Wrong Jesus: Fact, Belief, Legend, Truth... Making Sense of What You've Heard, By Gregory Monette: Whom would you rather believe? Having just done a research on the origins of witchcraft and the consequences of dabbling in it, I was naturally interested in the cover of My Journey after Death, by Alice Adamek. It had the characteristic Triangle and Eye of the Illuminati, an outlawed, secret society founded in 1776, with tentacles into the Occult in modern times. What could she have encountered on the ‘other side’ if she were associated with this group, I wondered. I was surprised, nay startled, to note references to Jesus. This was even more intriguing…but not for long. To make a lie …show more content…

Craig A. Evens, Payzant Distinguished professor of New Testament, Acadia Divinity College, explains in the Foreword, “We have indeed become a society of ‘do your own thing’, a society that prizes pleasure and immediate gratification above all else. In keeping with this new spirit, we want to personalize our understanding of God, to shape Him according to our whims and personal preferences. This means we are open to new views of Jesus, whether there is compelling, credible evidence or not. It is not surprising that outlandish views of Jesus appear every year. Numbers of people seem eager to learn about a Jesus no one has ever heard of …show more content…

One of them, Quadratus (AD 70 – 130) wrote, “But the works of our savior were always present, for they were true; those who were healed and those who were raised from the dead were seen not only when they were healed and when they were raised, but were constantly present, and not only while the Saviour was living, but even after He had gone they were alive for a long time, so that some of them survived to our own

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