Analysis Of Mother's Day Recipe By Carmanie Bhatti

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Mother’s Day Recipe by Carmanie Bhatti The relationship between a mother and a daughter is so unique that despite the mother or, a motherly figure wanting to pass on her special skill to the daughter, either the daughter is not as great at the skill as her mother or, she is an expert. By vocation, my mother was a school teacher and a professional pianist. It was rare to see her not working at home doing daily chores, however, she was not a great cook. One the main reasons for that was she had studied at boarding schools and when she began working as a teacher, she lived on the school campus. Therefore, she neither developed a routine of cooking nor had a desire of learning how to cook. Her waking up in the morning involved reading the Bible, …show more content…

Her reason of being available for chores mainly leaned toward keeping the house clean. Since it is a communal culture in Pakistan, one can expect neighbors or guests to arrive any time, uninformed. It was because of my mother’s waking me up each morning, that I developed a balanced routine of waking up, eating on time and sleeping on time, which later, as a student of theology, I understood as the Rule of Life. I will mention here that my mother was my alarm clock because then as I recall my routine of waking up was a as a six-year child, living with my family. Later, as a teenager, I developed a habit of waking up at 4:45 am- literally the first one in my family. To wake up that early, I used my own alarm clock. Since it has been four years that my mother is deceased and, I no longer live in Pakistan, the Rule of Life has improvised. Now, I am a student of theology in the U.S. pursuing my second Masters and living on my own. I have access to the …show more content…

Here is the recipe and a brief information on the language: alu means potato. Please keep in mind there are different steps involved: kneading the wheat flour, cooking the potato mixture and making the parathas. When preparing the potato filling, here is what one needs to prepare. Please follow the order as stated. The quantity stated is an

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