Little Love Exposed In Miracles By Caprice Albrecht

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A major aspect of writing is being able to express oneself while connecting to the reader. Writers, whether professionally or forced, often use literary devices to (hopefully, but not all the time) make their work more interesting--as Caprice Albrecht did in her narrative, Miracles. While literary deceives are important to connect with the reader, the main goal of the writer is to touch the reader with ethics, logic, or make them feel empathetic towards the topic. Albrecht primarily used imagery and similes to convey how she feels about the generosity that people are capable of showing in dire situations; especially how a little love can change someone else’s life in a drastic way. Through the story of an abused baby becoming apart of the …show more content…

It is a basic human instinct to worry about children, even if one does not consider themselves “good” with children. The author’s baby sister, Amber, is no exception. When Amber first came to the Albrecht abode, “a small pain stricken face with a body to match sat helplessly in her carrier” (Albrecht 20), the reader cannot help but want to pick up that little baby girl and never let go. It physically hurts to hear of such a small baby, who has not lived enough to do anything wrong, have to go through such pain so early in life. A child in pain breaks everyone’s heart--especially if this pain was caused by the person who is supposed to love them. It only goes to show that people are capable of doing the unimaginable. The reader can feel the pain in Mrs. Albrecht’s voice as she said, “[Amber] was abused” (19). Three simple words can change one’s view of life and love; however, it explains just how special this family truly is, how they love those who were not born into this endless love. People can be terrible, to the point where we do not want to consider them human. Others, however, are able to restore one’s faith in humanity. They are able to change our view of people, in general, and makes us want to better …show more content…

As the author stated, life is something truly amazing. But, love is something even more amazing; some are born into a bountiful love, while others aren’t. When one is loved, they are able to find beauty in the simplest of forms, “the sweet song of birds rose me from my slumber” (Albrecht, 18) (one might even imagine Caprice as a Disney princess beginning her adventure). Because Caprise was able to find love in her adoptive family, she is able to view the world with love, rather than hatred; it is a better place, where people are good and she is a very special Disney princess. However, it had not always been that way for Caprice or her older sister, “[her] birth mom was an alcoholic… [mine] was a cocaine addict” (Albrecht, 19). Each child of the Albrecht family has experienced pain no else could imagine, but the pain has been overshadowed by the love of her

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