Analysis Of Men's Fashion Magazine

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With the growth of magazine popularity, both online and in print, youth around the world are exposed to the ideas of gender expression, identities, and roles. However, with society’s influence, the spread of heteronormative, cisgender, and white ideals have been placed as top priority. After examining men’s fashion magazine, Gentlemen Quarterly, I discovered that much of their magazine revolved around the typical wealthy, white, straight, and able-bodied male. Despite their attempts to branch out to other minority groups, they are unsuccessful in breaking out of their classic audience. GQ’s website is built to automatically draw their viewers into articles, flashing large pictures and headlines immediately into their audience’s face. Most photos Pairing these particular items together creates an atmosphere which enforces male expectations and norms to their audience. GQ, while appearing as a harmless fashion magazine, sends out a number of subconscious messages to their viewers of what it means to be a well-respected, successful male in today’s world. Gentlemen Quarterly, like many other magazines, implements the gender binary onto its readers through its advertisements and articles. They market solely toward male and female people, dividing into “...suits and dresses” and “action movies and chick flicks” (Wade, p. 5) and dictating specifically what is feminine and what is masculine. Men’s fashion trends are centralized on suits and hair grooming, all of which fall under the masculine category. On the other hand, the female section doesn’t seem to dictate fashion but rather advice and celebrity news, which contrasts it’s sole purpose as a clothing magazine. In this sense, GQ obeys the “gender rules” of what it means to “appear and behave as a man or a woman” (Wade, p. 61) but there are few Well, they do fail, but in a different way. In all the articles I encountered under the broadly titled ‘Women’ section, they featured a scantily clad woman and tended to give advice toward men. The photos featured in the women’s section had an emphasis on both the breasts and butt, further simplifying women down to just their body. Most headlines contained the word ‘sexy’ and referred to women as ‘babe’ or ‘our girl’, not only dehumanizing them but also pushing a sense of ownership. One particular article, written by a fellow woman, had the title Victoria’s Secret Model Throws First Pitch Like a Really Hot Girl which enforces everything that a feminist would despise. Clearly Corsillo, the article’s author, wrote the article with the intent for a male audience, even if she herself does not feel the same way. The few women that were actually interviewed included two WWE female twins who happen to be in relationships with famous wrestlers. Instead of interviewing them about their life stories, their questions centered on “tips on picking up women at the gym” or “what [their] stance [is] on working out with a significant other” (Rouse). Partnered with this article is a picture of the twins gazing at a male’s butt as he works out, enhancing heteronormativity but with a new twist. One article even goes so far as to dumb down the idea of consent for the male readers, promising that they won’t

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