Analysis Of Marquis De Condorcet's Future Progress Of The Human Mind

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Marquis de Condorcet’s Future Progress of the Human Mind depicts knowledge as being something that human beings want to achieve. To attain more knowledge on a specific thing, the information must be available through more universal education along with subjects being easier to classify. When the knowledge is available and simpler for humans, they will want to learn. Through people wanting to learn more things, new information will want to be discovered and in conclusion, be a happier place. Knowledge, in Condorcet’s eyes, is the key to happiness because it allows people to focus on life rather than surviving. Condorcet believed that the first step in the process of attaining knowledge was simplifying it. By doing this, it allowed common people to easily acquire knowledge. This allowed more people to get knowledgeable. He states:
. . . the truths whose discovery has cost the most effort, which at first could be grasped only by men capable of profound thought, are soon carried further and proved by methods that are no longer beyond the reach of ordinary intelligence. (Condorcet) …show more content…

If there were less people dying and the amount of births stayed the same, a country could become over populated. Condorcet recognized this and addressed it by saying:
We must also suppose that before that time, the progress of reason will have gone hand in hand with progress in the arts and sciences; that the ridiculous prejudices of superstition will no longer cover morality with an austerity that corrupts and degrades it instead of purifying and elevating it. (Condorcet)
He is saying that, theoretically, the growth of reason would come with knowledge. People would be less inclined to have a lot of children because they would no longer be afraid of losing them to unnatural things. People would then be more inclined to focus on their happiness and expanding their

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