Analysis Of Margret Wilson's Six Views Of Embodied Cognition

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Let’s take the example of offloading our mental calculation to the body (counting through fingers). This mental calculation can be done more subtly, by just keep tracking of the position of the fingers. To an external observer it does not seem any movement but for the cognizer job will be done same like the earlier case where actual twisting of fingers happened. This is a kind of pushing activity inward, allowing only the conceptualizing the movement but no overt movement. Many abstract cognitive activities functions in this covert way. Mental structures which should be evolved from perception-action, but here it works ‘off-line’. In these cases mental structures are decoupled from the physical inputs and outputs which were important for thinking …show more content…

It covers almost, if not all, possible aspects in which cognitive activity occurs. The crux of the whole discussion is that characteristics of the cognition are deeply dependent upon the characteristics of the physical body of the agent. These beyond-the-brain body features plays causal and constitutive role in the cognitive processes. This make a sharp distinction with the views that mind is dominant in the cognitive processes. Till now this is very much clear that an agent’s body plays significant causal and constitutive role in the cognition. So, now there is need to specify the nature of dependence of cognition on the body. What significant roles a body plays on an agent’s cognition? How a body proves useful in the process of cognition? At the most general level I think there are three distinct role which a body plays in the whole cognitive processes. Sometimes a body helps to generate some content for the cognition, it helps to distribute some cognitive processes, and it operates the overall cognitive activity also. Talking metaphorically, Body behaves as GOD for the cognition. Let’s discuss one by …show more content…

It regulate the cognition activities over space and time. As we already saw that one of the main purpose of cognition is to perform actions to cope with the environment. An agent’s body functions to regulate the co-ordination between cognition and action. Bodily structures of the agent facilitates the real-time execution of the complex behavioral activities in response to complex and fast changing environmental events. Body functions to extract information from the world in the form of cognition and later it delivers the output into the world in the form of behavior or action; but it is also integral to the online control of the cognition in real time. Body plays a feedback-driven role in cognitive processes. In this case body is more like dynamical system which perform their functions without any central controller, solely based on the external

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