Analysis Of Kathy Koch's Fatherhood Movement

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The stories of Cinderella, Finding Nemo, and Snow White all have something in common; their mothers are dead. Numerous Disney fans have noticed this pattern and are starting to question why this may be. In our world today it is more likely for fathers to be missing from their children`s lives, instead of mothers. Could Disney be encouraging fathers to step up in their kid’s lives? In an article titled, “Fatherhood Movement” author Kathy Koch discusses multiple ways for fathers to become more connected with their children.
In “Fatherhood Movement” by Kathy Koch, an assistant managing editor of CQ Researcher, voices that 17 million American children do not live with a father or a male figure (Koch 475). She speculates whether having fathers involved in their children’s lives is essential and if so what can society do to help. Koch uses facts, professional opinions, and unique stories to discuss the significance of a father in a child`s life. All encourage fathers to spend time with their children. The fatherhood movement encourages fathers to be involved and take responsibility for their children (Koch 475).
In the article, Koch searches out facts that determine that children need their fathers. Children are more likely to …show more content…

She discusses topics that range from marriage, divorce, joint custody, and job opportunities. Koch obtains facts and opinions from political leaders and psychologist. Some believe that marriage should be supported and encouraged. They also state that children should not be born out of wedlock (Koch 479). In addition, they are also convinced that making divorce harder to achieve would help marriages. Others consider that shared custody would help make a difference (Koch 481.) Many liberals simply think fatherlessness will disappear if the government changes job opportunities, where fathers make more money (Koch 476). Overall, there are many ideas and views discussed in the

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