Analysis Of Junk Food

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Summary of the lesson
Generally, junk food may be fascinating for different reasons such as taste, price, and convenience. For youngsters, who do not always recognize the health implications of their eating behaviors, junk food might seem especially enticing. Junk foods are never regarded healthy to the health, as they have been shown unhealthy in all manners. They are unsuitable for the health and regular consumption of fattening junk food may be addictive for teenagers and result in complications like low self-esteem, chronic illnesses, obesity and even depression, along with affecting the way they perform in extracurricular activities and school. Children who eat more junk food daily are obese and overweight and highly vulnerable to liver and heart disorders. Basically, junk foods and foods which have high-sugar content reduce energy levels and the capability to concentrate for a longer period of time.
Junk food is a growing problem for contemporary society. Unhealthy and fatty foods are particularly popular with young children as well as adolescents. Unfortunately, junk food might possibly damage the immature brain once consumed over a longer period while the young brain matures. High intake of fatty foods throughout the adolescence might indeed impair cognitive functions in maturity. Junk foods are very oily and do not have dietary fibers, …show more content…

The increased consumption of fast food: particularly three times a week lead to an increased risk of contracting these illnesses. On the contrary, fruits reduce the risk of contracting these illnesses, if taken three times a week. On one hand, fast foods contain high levels of saturated and trans-fatty acids which affect the body immunity, making the body prone to diseases, while on the other hand, fruits contain antioxidants which protect the body against

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