Analysis Of Judith Lorber's Night To His Day: The Social Construction Of Gender

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A main idea I saw after reading this articles about gender I felt that we really judge people sexuality and equal rights for men and women. In Judith Lorber, in her article “‘Night to His Day:’ The Social Construction of Gender,” explains how gender plays a role in our society in feminine or masculine and including a third person as transsexuals or transvestites. In the article “Rethinking Women’s Biology” by Ruth Hubbard, argues that women can not be compared to male because women get criticized in anything like height, physical ability and culture. The writers are writing about this idea because we make opinions of people by their physical appearance instead of meeting and understanding who that person is. Not only that I feel that we mistaken …show more content…

Some features people label someone else is clothing, voice, social groups by what people hang out, and toys. Lorber explained that one day she was on the train and saw two babies and tried to identify was the gender of the babies because one was wearing a white crocheted cap and white cloths and blue t-shirt and the father put on a Yankee’s Hat. She assumes it was a boy but when the bay turn it was a girl by the earring. “Societies vary in the people 's extent to which they use one or the other of these ways of allocating people to work and to carry out other responsibilities, every society uses gender and age genders” (Lorber 25). The general public burst out when they see a young boy’s when they play with feminine toys because they judge the boys as homosexual. “Sex, doesn’t come into play again until puberty, but that time sexual feelings and desires and practices have been by gendered norms and expectation” (Lorber 20). Lorber suggest that many young children, like boys do not understand what they they, so therefor when the boys play with dolls the boys assume you can play because it is a toy. Making judgments of people identity can have many qualities for mistakenly a person …show more content…

My mom says that she treats us the same but growing up I see the differences because we are girls so my sister and I need to say home clean and make dinner but my brother he just plays sports and relax. My mom always told my sister and I that guys only play sports and they get the income of the family, so I always push your brother. This makes me mad because she only focus on him and does not realize that I am the first daughter and education is important to me. She never ask me how school is going or if I need help in anything and she expect me to know and figure out things on my own. On the other hand, my mom will drop anything for my brother, for example she will get of work to get lunch for my brother and work days to see his far away sports game. As for my she did not get out of work for me when I had volleyball tournaments. Addition, my mom not only but my brother a car, she bought three cars in a yet because he really wants it one and she never bought me a car even though I have a license and he does not. Overall, everyone in my family can see what my mom favors in my family, I understand why many people make assumptions of people judgments because parents are afraid of embarrassment of what their children

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