Analysis Of John Knowles 'A Separate Peace'

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The great General William Tecumseh Sherman once stated, war is hell. His statement doesn’t only reach the minds of soldiers going into war, but it also reaches the citizens all throughout the world when their country is in war, regardless of whether they are up in the action or are safe at home or attending school. In the historical fiction literary piece, A Separate Peace written by John Knowles, we travel to the time of World War Two and experience the journey of many young men attending the Devon Boarding School as they go through the rough time of war. In the story we go through the ups and downs of war with Gene, Finny, and many of the other school boys. A Separate Peace reveals that war affects what people believe, think about and the …show more content…

Throughout the book, you learn that Finny always wants to do something that he isn’t supposed to do, one of those things is going off to war with his leg. This led him to be in denial and not even believe in a war, but revealing to himself that he won’t go to war made him believe that he was miserable, “ I’ll hate it everywhere if I’m not in this war!” (190) This statement reveals to readers that not being able to go to war made Finny believe that if he has to be anywhere else he will hate it, and going to war will be the only thing that can make him happy. Not being able to go off to the war made Finny believe that he will be a miserable person regardless, and the core of that believe starting is war. There are many that go off to war pleased with their life and ready to fight, then some return not happy with the decision and traumatized. In A Separate Peace we meet Leper who is one that isn’t good with taking risks (57), but he goes off and enlists to go to war anyway which surprises many (128). Not, soon after though does Leper return home, and he is not the same as before, Leper was discharged from the army for going psycho in the service and Gene isn’t slow to tell everyone that if he went crazy, it is the war that did it to him (144). This shows that war affects the way someone thinks, and …show more content…

This gets us to the bigger question in life, why do are there still wars in the world when it causes many harm, not only physically if one is sent off to war, but also mentally for all that are at home and have to hope for the best. Is there not a way for the world to have peace, even if everyone has it in their separate ways, because it would save many sanity. If “war is hell” like William Tecumseh said, why hasn’t there been a way to cause them to not happen again and leave all the people to live in

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