Analysis Of John Green: The Labyrinth To My Mind: Suffering

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John Green: The Labyrinth to my Mind

Suffering the thing every human will experience. The labyrinth to suffering is coherent with the the labyrinth to my brain full of different ideas words and paths that have a meaning in my life. “How do we get out of this labyrinth of suffering” (Entertainment Weekly).
Something everyone wants to know but few ever figure it out. This a constant theme throughout my books. My hardships, relationships and disappointments led me to write realistic fiction; these hardships led me to write about illness, loss, love, and heartbreak. My childhood life was dramatically altered by the people I met and the things that I experienced. It all started August 24th, 1977 in Indianapolis, IN (Washington Post). I grew up …show more content…

But the fact of that matter is that I was honestly didn’t give a crap about school. Who on rare occasions would actually show up to my classes. This was partly because I didn’t find any interest in going and partly because every time I went to school I felt constantly attacked by the people at my school. I was the target of the bullies. It made my life miserable for me. More importantly the majority of classes I chose to skip were my morning classes, I didn’t go to my morning classes because I felt that my sleep was more important. My teen years were an odd time for me, my family and I moved three times. (Morning Edition) I started as I said before in Indianapolis, Indiana later moving to Michigan then to Birmingham, Alabama where i went to a boarding school, Indian Springs School in Indian Springs Village. and finally I moved to Orlando, Florida. Traveling was something I liked but hated also at the same time it’s hard to go from place to place going from having friends to having none at all. My constant anxiety didn’t help me much either. The constant struggle of finding worth and meaning in my life and I felt like I felt that in writing so I finally started applying myself to school. While in College however I applied my whole self to the material I was given I seemed answers to everything. The world the people in the world life it was a huge question mark to me still is but I got a further explanation of many things throughout College. I went to College at Kenyon College and graduated in 2000 double majoring in English and Religious studies. (Newsmakers) I left my dream of being a preacher to pursue my dream of being a writer. My English teacher told me that my writing wasn’t very good but the stories that I told to others was where my talent was and if I worked on that skill that’s when I could quit my job as a chaplain and begin my

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