Analysis Of How To Tame A Wild Tongue By Gloria Anzald�a

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Losing a culture can happen within a family based off of where an individual was raised. Both of my parents were born and raised in Mexico; their Mexican parents taught them the culture and their native tongue. Although I was raised in the United States, my parents always taught me to embrace my culture and to no be ashamed of my native tongue. Having two Mexican parents helped me distinguish my Mexican culture from the American culture. However, my mother’s youngest sister was raised in the United States. Her Mexican parents raised her, but assimilation made a shift in her cultural views. She did not embrace her Mexican culture as her older siblings did; this also impacted her children. My cousins do not speak any Spanish because they do not …show more content…

They are forced to forget their language in order to speak English and conform to society’s ideas. Assimilation is when people are forced to adapt and adjust to culture’s beliefs and views while they diminish their own culture. In her essay, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” Gloria Anzaldúa, she discusses the issues of assimilation in the United States for Chicanos, a Latino born or raised in the United States who believes they cannot be characterized as Latino or American. Anzaldúa explains that since Chicanos are in the United States they should only speak English. She also brings up that in order to combat assimilation Chicanos in the United States developed their own language because they can no longer be Latino or American. But Chicanos are taught by other Spanish speaker, native Latinos, that their language is improper and poor Spanish. The Chicano language is a language Chicanos created which includes terms that are considered slang in Spanish while they incorporate English terms. Chicanos and Latinos are taught to silence their culture and their tongue to fit into society. However, she goes on to justify that their Chicano language is a part of them and their culture and without it they do not have an identity. People of color are often stereotyped because of their cultural background or the way they speak which leads an individual to be ashamed of who they are and where they come from; they are forced to assimilate into the American society which results in the loss of their culture as well as their

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