Analysis Of How To Choose A Leader By Maurizio Viroli

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IV. Maurizio Viroli Perspective: does he agree? Why or why not? Maurizio Viroli, author of “How to Choose a Leader,” used Machiavelli’s principles to explain how modern leaders should be chosen. It can be assumed that Viroli would not embrace Machiavelli’s principles as a guide if he believed Strauss’s argument that Machiavelli was a teacher of evil. Viroli points out that Machiavelli’s life dream was to share the information contained within the pages of The Prince. He argued that Machiavelli would only give the best of council in his endeavor to teach others the knowledge it took him his entire life to obtain . If this were not the case, Viroli argues that Machiavelli’s contributions would have long since been disregarded. Machiavelli provides …show more content…

Viroli argues that candidates who become intoxicated by good fortune tend to claim merit that they do not possess. Viroli argues that people should pursue the personal stories of presidential candidates to better understand them and prevent them from deceiving them . Machiavelli promoted the idea that leaders have to be selfless and place the common good above their own self-interest . If a leader acts out of self-interest rather than the common good Viroli argues that the people will be faced with poor schools, inefficient hospitals, bad infrastructure, and inadequate police rather than growth and progress . Viroli argues that hatred and fear are correlated and suggest that anyone who is motivated by them will vote for a candidate who will treat members of society who are feared or hated badly . Machiavelli would not consider a candidate of this nature to have virtue. Machiavelli stresses that a good leader must be virtuous and follows in the footstep of great leaders . Machiavelli believed that wisdom was derived from history and that history has a way of repeating itself .Viroli uses Franklin Roosevelt as an example of a good leader. Viroli references President Barack Obama’s ability to make principled compromises, which he claims to have learned from Abraham Lincoln . Lincoln freed only freed certain slaves through the Emancipation Proclamation. This principled compromise allowed him to preserve the union and win the war . Viroli points out that the most admired presidents have emerged in times of war. In times of peace Machiavelli agues men become more ambitious and the people choose leader based on wealth and power rather than virtue, which he argues is a dangerous mistake

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