Analysis Of 'Greed Is Good' By Gordon Gekko

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When revisiting the famous quote by Gordon Gekko, he doesn’t actually say “greed is good.” This phrase has been misquoted. It seems like this misquote has become a simple way for people who believe that the businessmen of the world are evil to summarize the perceptions of capitalism.
When this quote was retold it was shortened to just “greed is good”. It leaves out a pretty important part of the quote. What he is saying is that “greed” doesn’t describe exactly what he means. What Gordon Gekko is essentially saying is that capitalism is such a superior system that even when it’s described in some of the least flattering possible terms it can still survive. In other words, if one can defend something using all of the negative connotations of something like “greed”, one of the seven deadly sins, then you take all the power away from your opponent.
In his speech, Gordon Gekko also says, “Greed is right, greed works.” However, one of the problems of those who argue in favor of capitalism is that they only address the second part f this phrase. Once again, substituting the free...

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