Analysis Of Failure Should Be Our Teacher By Denis Waitley

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The quote “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing” by Denis Waitley is very inspiring. Failure is a necessary and fundamental part of life. Most people fail at least one point in their lives and these failures gives them character and depth. Failure does not mean you stop and give up. You get up and try again and use those failures to teach you about life and to develop your character.
The first part of the quote, “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker”, tells us that when you fail, you should learn something from it. Instead of failing and never trying to do it again, it is saying to keep trying and never give up. Let your failures be a lesson to you and not let it bring you down. One example of this in my life is when I first started to ride horses. I wasn’t very good and I continued to make mistakes. I thought I would never be able to learn how to ride a horse and I would always just be a beginner rider. However, …show more content…

I have always been a little afraid to fail anything or try to do something in front of my friends if I think I might fail. This was demonstrated really well when my family and I went on vacation and my siblings wanted to play volleyball. I didn’t want to play because I was afraid of failing, but everyone else still went a played without me. During their game, I felt really left out and I regretted my decision to not play because I was afraid of failure. From this, I learned that I shouldn’t limit myself because I’m afraid of making a mistake. By doing that I miss out on life and having fun with my family as well as trying new

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