Analysis Of Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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Morgan Coffey
Mrs. Love Hilliard
Creative Writing
30 September 2016
Fighting Death Death is an intricate, incomprehensible, and intolerable end that awaits each and every living creature. In “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas, Thomas uses symbols, paradoxical phrases, personification, rhyming schemes, repetition, and contrasting word placement to show his frustration in his father nearing his inevitable demise. The most prominent rhetorical device used by Thomas is symbolism. He sprinkled symbols for life and death throughout “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” in order to address his fear of his father’s passing. The constantly repeated and rhyming “good night” and “dying of the light” are both used to represent death itself. Thomas uses them to show his fear, and uneasy feelings towards the end of life . He states that he wants the …show more content…

The most obvious is in the final stanza when Thomas speaks directly to his audience, “Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.” he says. The paradox being that curse and bless are contradicting terms and yet are used next to one another in Thomas’s plea. Thomas does this in order to show his openness to the reaction of his father, whether he curses or blesses the world while fighting for his life. When he says “curse”, Thomas is showing that it is okay for his father to be angry with him or with the possibility of death. When Thomas says “bless”, he is showing that it is okay for his father to be happy or thankful to have a reason to live. In this paradox, Thomas is telling his father that it is okay to be angry, it is okay to be happy, but as always, this is followed with “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.” Proving that no matter how Thomas’s father reacts, all the author wishes for is that he doesn’t give up hope, and that he doesn’t give up

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