Analysis Of Cloud Atlas

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Cloud Atlas is a very complex movie that involves rotating and revolving characters and story lines which paint a past, present, and future of the Earth. All of these are interconnected and influenced by one another with a continuing constant theme. This is very interesting as it directly relates to some of the greatest philosophers in recent history. Not only in their beliefs, but in how they arrive at their beliefs. With Aristotle, we see that the main character analyses and arrives at the truth in a similar fashion to his most famous arguments. When it comes to the shaken beliefs of futuristic portrayals of civilization, it is clear that in the film they follow an attitude similar to a combination of Nietzsche and Pope. It is even possible to see a connection between Descartes and the main characters definitions of God. Cloud Atlas is very interesting in its cosmological portrayals and their comparisons to great philosophers.
Cloud Atlas is made up of six separate plots which all occur in different time periods. In one of the layers there is a futuristic world. In this instance, the world is split up in two different sections the consumer and the servers. The consumers represent the powerful majority of people and epitomize capitalism whereas the servers are clones and are forced to live to provide for the consumers. They have no reason to live, but their work. For all intents and purposes they are viewed as business equipment. One of the servers, Sonmi-451, manages to escape with the help of revolutionaries and realizes the truth of the world. In one huge event, her world and purpose has changed dramatically. She becomes a leader of the revolution and makes it her goal to spread the truth to Earth and off plan...

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...mological view.
Even in today’s Hollywood films, we see portrayals of characters who struggle with the very same issues that have plagued philosophers for centuries. Cloud Atlas is no exception with its cosmological approach to a connection of past, present, and future. Characters struggle to determine the best process for determining the truth of a situation, like Aristotle did in his time, by looking for the stem signs. Other characters have trials which question their existence of a God. The idea that God can be deceitful directly contradicts Descartes’ definition of God. When the idea that people may not fulfilling their role in the cosmos occurs, then they must determine a proper way of living like Pope and Nietzsche struggled with in their most famous works. The parallels between Cloud Atlas and these philosophers’ eternal debates is truly incredible.

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