Analysis Of Christopher Duncan's Deliverance From Homosexuality

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We are all sinners in God’s eyes. No sin is too great for God to forgive and no one has fallen too deep for God’s forgiveness. God hates homosexuality, but He does not hate homosexual people. He offers his grace and forgiveness to all who come to him in repentance and faith. Christopher Yuan’s life is an example of how God’s grace and mercy is displayed in his conversion from a homosexual lifestyle to a committed Christian. In his book, Out of a Far Country, Yuan explains his journey to Christ. From his youth, Christopher realized he was gay because he was attracted to other boys. His homosexual behavior led him into different gay relationships, addictions to drugs, a diagnoses of HIV positive, and eventually ended up in jail for dealing drugs. …show more content…

In his book, Deliverance from Homosexuality, Duncan shares the miracle that God has performed in his life, and proves to others that there is no problem that God cannot solve (Duncan 3). He became gay at age six and had a homosexual relationship for ten years. At age sixteen, their relationship ended and he was traumatized (9). He never wanted to feel that hurt again so he jumped in and out of relationships and never stayed committed. Duncan admitted that “over a span of thirty years, he had hundreds and hundreds of relationships (9)”. Duncan goes on to say that perverted sex is addicting just like alcohol (10). Duncan’s life consisted of stealing and pornography which led him to be arrested. Because of the love of a Christian couple and an invitation to a prayer meeting, Duncan changed his plans to end his life and attend this meeting. John saw the love of Christ in these Christians lives because they cared and prayed endlessly with him. He began going to church and God saved him through this. He fought his homosexual desire for some time, but God delivered him from his homosexual desires. John Duncan began a ministry called H.O.P.E. to help open people’s eyes (30). He specially wanted this ministry to be for homosexuals, but he soon realized it was for anyone in need of Christ. He also knew that God called him to remain celibate which he was knew that that was best. “Humanly alone, yet …show more content…

Homosexuality defies the laws of nature, social norms, and has many adverse side effects. Today we live in a society that promotes homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. Many homosexuals that live this lifestyle like to justify their behavior by twisting God’s truth. They make claims like “God is a God of love”, “the bible does not condemn homosexuality”, and “I am not hurting anybody, so it is ok.” God has clearly revealed to us in his Word that homosexuality is an abomination. Leviticus 20: 13 says, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (ESV). Sin is serious and God’s Word tells us that there are grave consequences for such sin. Homosexuality is not only a sin that is committed against oneself, but is also contrary to God’s divine design of marriage and family. God created holy matrimony to be between one man and one woman and not between the same sex. Right from the beginning God says in Genesis 2:24, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (ESV). God designed marriage for procreation and tells us to “be fruitful and multiply.” A homosexual couple, on the other hand, is unable to reproduce and have a family. That is only one of the many negative side

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