Analysis Of Children Of A Lesser God

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Children of a Lesser God is focused around an attractive young and deaf woman named Sarah. Sarah was known as a former intelligent, honors graduate student who was perceived to be extremely bitter. Sarah did not fully utilize her academic talents, which led her to taking the janitorial position at the school she once attended for the deaf in New England. James, the newly hired speech professor, was creative with his teaching techniques. James wanted these students to have a better perception for somatic sensations around them such as vibration and elicited that by playing loud rock music. He also encouraged vocalization. Upon meeting Sarah, James falls in love instantly and Sarah does not reciprocate initially but with time the attraction for one another …show more content…

They displayed the life of a deaf individual and those around them in a non-offensive and detailed manner. Details such as the inability to notice how loud the music was in James’ house is one of the few details that the movie displayed and many people would overlook. Sarah displayed the journey, the feelings and, possible conflicts that people may experience with or as deaf individuals. Sarah portrayed an individual with profound deafness although it is not to say that she solely represented all individuals with hearing loss and deafness. I was intrigued by the scenario where Sarah and James decide to put their communication differences aside and give their relationship a second chance. The film has given me a better understanding of how important communication is. It also gave me an inside look into the pride that deaf people take in their culture and how they do not always view being deaf as an impairment or disability. This knowledge will be helpful when dealing with deaf individuals and their families and comprehending the dynamic relationship that takes place between the hearing and

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