Analysis Of Chapter Five: Biblical Preaching

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Chapter five titled The Arrow and the Target in the book Biblical Preaching, published by Baker Academic and written by Haddon Robinson focus on formulating the homiletical idea and determining the sermon’s purpose. Knowing what the target in sermon preparation is and uses arrows to hit that target by asking the right question that the sermon may connect with the hearers regardless of their knowledge or experience. Stating the exegetical idea in a complete sentence that communicate to listeners is the homiletical idea. The homiletical idea must be clear and precise language that the audience can clearly understand. The homiletical idea is the Biblical truth applied to life (pg.72). This paper will discuss the homiletical idea, measurable results, and purpose in brief detail. According to Haddon one should submit the exegetical idea and its development to the three developmental questions:
• What does this mean?
• Is this true? Do I believe it?
• Do what? What difference does this make?
These questions deal with meaning, validity, and …show more content…

Tozer who said, “There is scarcely anything so dull and meaningless as Bible doctrine taught for its own sake. Truth divorced from life is not truth in its Biblical sense, but something else and something less….No man is better for knowing that God in the beginning created heaven and the earth. The devil knows that, and so did Ahab and Judas Iscariot. No man is better for knowing that God so loved the world of men that he gave His only begotten Son to die for their redemption. In hell there are millions who know that. Theological truth is useless until it is obeyed. The purpose behind all doctrine is to secure moral action”. I agree that truth not applied is just truth and useless until applied or put in action. Tozer stated people in hell who know God so loved the world that he gave His Son. How is that people in hell know this and some on earth with breathe in their body does not apply this

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