Analysis Of C. S. Lewis We Have No Right To Happiness

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There are many different opinions and viewpoints on how to pursue happiness. Many people believe that happiness comes from rights, desires, money or from being grateful in life. C.S. Lewis the author of the article “We Have No Right to Happiness” claims that “ They did not mean that man was entitled to pursue happiness by any and every means” ( 228). He also argues that people use “A right to happiness” as an excuse to cheat, lie, murder, rape, and steal (Lewis 228). An example that C.S. Lewis describes the miss conduct of the right to happiness is when Mr. A lies and cheats on his wife. Lewis writes “ Mr. A’s actions is an offense against good faith (to solemn promises), against gratitude (toward one to whom he was deeply indebted) and against …show more content…

A lies and cheats because he feels he has a right to happiness and the right to pursuing happiness with Mrs. B however, C.S. Lewis argues “To be in love involves the almost irresistible conviction that one will go on being in love until one dies.” (230). Mr. A breaks his promise because uses a right to happiness as an excuse to lie and cheat on his wife. However the founding fathers the authors of The Declaration of Independence claims that “that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights” ( Founding Fathers) I agree with C.S. Lewis people do use the right to pursue happiness as an excuses to do bad things. I also think that all Americans have a right to happiness and the right to pursuit happiness, but to in extent of a limit under the laws. Now we can talk about how money comes into a factor to …show more content…

Another desires that he teaches is when people disconnect from what's around them in the world. An example that the Dalai Lama uses is someone who wants more and more and could never be satisfied because they keep thinking about wanting more and new things. I have many thoughts about money buying happiness I think, it can although, it depends on what exactly it's being spent on. For example, money can buy long term and short term happiness, long term happiness would be a couple who cannot have children and one solution for them would be to pay money to adopt a child. Adopting a child would bring the couple a long term of happiness because, they can finally have and love their child they adopted. I think short term happiness that money could buy would be to buy a new car or a new cell phone that would be short term happiness because a person will get tired and eventually they would want more and newer

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