Analysis Of Beowulf: An Encouraging Epic Hero

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Danyelle Crocker
Honors English IV
Mrs. Joyner

An Encouraging Epic Hero Beowulf was an epic hero during his time. An epic hero is a brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events. “The Anglo Saxon hero was well defined by the actions of Beowulf” (Garcia). Beowulf became an epic hero when he fought Grendel and Grendel’s mother, and became a king, and fought the dragon. Beowulf succeeded with his battles and became an epic hero. Beowulf always boasted that he was a great hero. Beowulf believed he was the greatest warrior of the Geats. After becoming king, Beowulf believed he was the greatest warrior of them all. He was indeed an epic hero. Beowulf had his first …show more content…

Beowulf boasted about being the best warrior of his land. Beowulf was gaining courage as an epic hero. Beowulf put his people first. Beowulf continued on. Beowulf heard about a second monster, Grendel’s mother. Grendel’s mother did not appreciate how Beowulf did her son. The second encounter proves more that he is becoming a strong and braver epic hero. Beowulf could have given up on the people after his first encounter, but he did not. Beowulf kept striving for more to seek. Beowulf crossed paths with Grendel’s mother. Beowulf encountered Grendel’s mother underwater. Beowulf was the only warrior that had beaten Grendel. Beating Grendel gave Beowulf a lot of encouragement and it made him boast even more. Grendel’s mother was waiting on Beowulf to come. Beowulf made his way underwater to find Grendel’s mother. Beowulf went without a weapon because he already knew Grendel put up a fight, so he knew Grendel’s mother was going to be even worse. Beowulf states, “When my danger is near… “ (Beowulf …show more content…

Beowulf showed a little more encouragement and bravery fighting off Grendel. The “epic hero” was starting to become stronger and stronger. Beowulf did not make no stops on his journey until he felt it was his time to end. An epic hero would have never given up and that is what Beowulf did. An epic hero is what Beowulf referred himself and that is exactly what he proved. Beowulf proved to be the one person someone would want to be like. Beowulf became more enduring after every battle he encountered. Beowulf strived for the best and not for the worst. Beowulf succeeded his journey until it was time for him to go forever. Beowulf is a legendary “epic hero.” Beowulf developed everything on his journey to the

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