Analysis Of Batman

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In the earliest 1940 's superhero films started to become popular on the big screens. One of these popular films is known as Batman, which came out first as a comic book called "The Killing Joke". Batman is considered to be a superhero possessing great talents and for being a true example of hope towards Gotham city. Although these superheroes are one of the main characters in movies, they also have enemies to confront with which are also known as super villains. In this case, the Joker known for his criminal mastermind plays an important role as a villain. Having a huge impact through films, film viewers have had the chance to appreciate different versions of the Batman 's movies. The Joker, being one of the most classical villains in DC Universe is portrayed in different aspects. Analyzing Tim Burton 's Batman (1989) and Christopher Nolan 's The Dark Knight (2008), viewers can assimilate but also differentiate the Joker in couple ways. In Batman (1989) by Tim Burton, Jack Nicholson played the role of the Joker. One important fact of his evaluation as the Joker in this movie is analyzing his origin story. The Joker betraying his boss (Carl Grissom) causes him to turn into the Joker for the first time by falling into Acme chemicals. This happened because Jack Napier (Joker) was having an affair with his boss 's mistress where Carl Grissom manipulated him to rob a chemical company. Here is where Batman first appeared and tried …show more content…

Even though both jokers had a different origin and personal appearance, both could not acted differently as one of the other. Knowing what a great role the joker has in Batman, viewers should think how Batman would have been without this iconic villain. After all, having Batman and the Joker in these movies is what makes them one of the most popular superhero films within the DC

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