Analysis Of Barilla Pasta

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With each new generation, society shifts and in the wake of a technological revolution, the changes become even more rapid. Change brings nostalgia, a longing for the way things used to be. In a worlds of texting and emojis, people place more emphasis on face to face conversation. Society clings to the past, to the feeling of home and deep roots instead of the rapidly changing future. Through the use of color, people, and text, Barilla Pasta claims that their pasta is loved by everyone, bringing them together as equals to connect on a personal level in a sophisticated and joyful manner. The Barilla Pasta ad is full page and is specifically for their rigatoni line of noodles. There are six adults sitting around a table, drinking white …show more content…

There are three male actors and three women. They are sitting in couples around the table. Farthest from the viewer is a euro-american couple, the man is wearing a wedding band, so the reader can assume this couple is married. The other men are not wearing rings and therefore the reader can conclude that the couple is newlywed and without children. This image plays to the consumers desire to be young, targeting buyers in the age range of mid-twenties to mid-forties. The couple to the left of them is an Asian woman and and African-American man, and to the right is an African-American woman and Latino man. The racial differences play into the message that Barilla Pasta is enjoyed by a wide range of people. It is important to point out that it is contradictory to Barilla’s message that all of the couples are heteronormative. All of the actors are nicely dress and smiling; they enjoy eachothers company. They are drinking wine, showing sophistication. The overall placement of the actors opens the scene to the audience. Each actor has one hand visible to the reader, giving them an open and natural body language. The placement of the people reaffirms Barilla Pasta’s message that their product makes the consumer feel young, sophisticated, and at …show more content…

Based on the age range of the audience, this ad is both a hit and a miss. From age ranges 35 to 45, the ad would be highly effective as it is this age range that would most likely still be reading magazines. This age range would cling to their youthful days of their early twenties. They would most empathize with the nostalgic sentiment of dinner parties, and thay are the most likely to agree with the sentiment that cell-phones corrupt communication. The younger end of the demographic are less likely to agree with the sentiment and societal statement that cell phones degrade the level of connection between people. From the ages 25 to 35, this group reads less magazines, so a whole segment Barilla’s target audience is missed. At the same time, most of the target audience will respond well to the greater societal themes of the ad, such as the warmth of home and friends, the joy of youth and conversation, and the feeling of being a welcomed guest to the greater table of a diversified

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