Analysis Of Autobiography Of Red By Anne Carson

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As readers, we want to not only understand what we’re reading, but we also want to find a way to group what we’re reading into a genre. Because of this desire, as readers, we sometimes run into issues when reading complex novels, such as Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson. Carson composed a, what we presume is, a fictional novel made up of poetry. By using poetry, Carson is able to convey meanings more complex than simply using the typical prose form. However, Carson also claims that her novel is an autobiography in the title. This autobiographical statement has been confusing readers since its initial publication. Why do we question Carson titling her novel an autobiography? Likely, this inclination is due to what we’ve been told an autobiography has for the entirety of our academic lives. Typically, for a piece to be considered an autobiography it must contain accurate, truthful, comprehensive, chronological, and in some cases: upbeat content. Carson’s writing takes on a more novel-like structure in terms of how the story is told, but still claims to be some form …show more content…

It’s especially difficult when the novel claims to be an autobiography a handful of times. In the beginning of the novel, there’s a section inside the poem “Tuesday” where Geryon’s mother is speaking on the phone with a friend about Geryon. She says, “Geryon? Fine he’s right here working on his autobiography”(34). In later chapters, the narrator also discusses the use of photographs to assemble Geryon’s autobiography. These examples tease the mind because they allow the reader to entertain the idea that because the word “autobiography” is mentioned in the text, that it is one. The key here is to recognize that referring to a piece of writing, as an autobiography does not make it one. While Autobiography of Red interacts with concepts of autobiographical writing, it follows a structure more akin to novel

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