Analysis Of Are Jobs Obsolete By Douglas Rushkoff

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In Douglas Rushkoff article, “Are Jobs Obsolete?”, he brings up some very interesting points. I believe his main claim is that Americans can survive if all of us do not have jobs. He states that jobs are slowly being replaced by machines or computers and how we do not need to make up other jobs, instead we should enjoy life while we have machines working for us. Right now, people need jobs to survive. To survive we need food and the proper shelter and we provide that through our jobs. But, Rushkoff has a whole different view on this matter. His thought is “accepting that food and shelter are basic human rights.” Rushkoff believes we all have the right to have food and shelter, instead of having to work for it. Rushkoff also mentions in his article that at one point in time jobs did not exist. Instead people traded for the things they wanted or needed. People were not stuck with a job they hate to provide for their families. Rushkoff views want people to go back to those times. Rushkoff states in his article, “The work we do -- the value we create -- is for the rest of what we want: the stuff that makes life fun, meaningful, and purposeful.” He wants people to be able to do things they enjoy and I am sure everyone would agree with him. …show more content…

He shows us great facts on how the U.S. is slowly losing increasingly jobs over the years due to the increase in technology. Rushkoff has a whole different view on the way the world should be ran. Honestly his article is a revelation and has great facts to back it up. I feel as if we had more political people who thought less about money and more about the common good for the people and happiness and they were to look at this article there could be a change. But unfortunately, the U.S. is filled with money hungry people and that is what jobs have turned this world into. But overall Rushkoff has very good points and ideas to make the world a better place and life

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