Applying Multiple Intelligences In The Classroom Summary

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Many university English teachers are asking a big question, should they incorporate more group projects, or other ways besides writing papers? In the article, "Applying Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom" Fred and Meolody Lunenburg explain Howard Gardner 's ' theory of multiple intelligences. His theory addresses that we do not just possess verbal/linguistic and mathematical/logical intelligence, but that we all possess a total of nine different intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, body-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and existential.(Lunenburg and Lunenburg) Gardener believes by lecturing multiple intelligences to students, they can excel academically. For example, "Teachers can enhance …show more content…

The answer is yes, Writing teachers should start introducing multimedia presentations. For example, the article, "Applying Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom" Fred and Meolody Lunenburg state, "Spatial intelligence refers to capacities to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformations on one 's perceptions.". This exactly what students are doing in their writing class today. The class is about taking in information and giving one 's perspective on the certain topic. So why not incorporate this theory of spatial intelligence theory to the class? Incorporating more activities in a classroom setting will help bring back the attention of college students, and centers the students to have a broader image of what they are reading or arguing. To do this the article states that writing teachers could, "Use pictures as prompts for writing, encourage students to include drawings and pictures with their writing." (Lunenburg and Lunenburg) in a college course instead of doing pictures or drawing, students could make charts or tables, or even slides with information and pictures to help students picture and graph what they understand, and present it to the

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