Analysis Of Adeline Yen Mah's Chinese Cinderella

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Adeline was known as "bad luck" in her family. Her childhood to age 14 was a mix of feelings and a miserable experience for her. People in her family like Niang and Father didn't respect her at all and made her feel horrible about herself. The autobiography , Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah, is depressing because the author writes her miserable childhood to age 14. Adeline's guardians Niang and Father don't treat her with respect or love that she is supposed to have. Adeline loved PLT with all her heart and felt like she was needed to take care of the baby chick. When PLT died because of Jackie’s Obedience Training, she got upset, depressed, and angry. For example, “She was my best friend in the world, I began, tears welling up in spite …show more content…

For example,”My face was still smarting from Niang’s slaps. Was it my imagination or was my friend looking at me strangely? I couldn't help wondering if my face was bruised or swollen, did they suspect something? (page 105) When Niang was slapping Niang, it left marks on her face. Adeline’s classmates noticed it but ignored it. Adeline also got hurt physically and mentally because Niang didn’t treat her with respect. Another example is “He (Father) ordered me to lie face down on my bed and whipped me. I almost screamed out in pain but my I bit my lip and remained silent throughout the whole (page 104) This quote states that Adeline was being hurt physically by her Father and that the pain was so great that Adeline almost screamed throughout the punishment. It also shows that Father doesn’t show any love to Adeline. Father whips Adeline hard after she broke the rules which made her suffer in pain. This beautiful but depressing story moves you and shows us how thankful we are to have a loving family and not get abused and neglected like with Adeline. Niang verbally abuses her by calling her names like "ugly" and Father abuses her physically and this makes Adeline feel unwanted, sad, and lowers her self esteem. This story makes you think twice about how you treat your family and friends and to be thankful for what you have because some

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