Analysis Of A More Perfect Union Speech

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Barack Obama’s Presidential speech
“A More Perfect Union” Senator and President Barack Obama gave a presidential speech on March 18, 2008. The central idea of the speech was to talk about race and how it ties in with healthcare, education, and jobs for the jobless. The speech was from both the white and black side of racism. He spoke of how his mother was white and father was black. And how even from his own family, the people he loved, he heard racial statements, he talks of how racism is a topic we as a nation cannot afford to ignore.
Obama talks about how we will never have a perfect union, but instead he implies that we as a country should continue to perfect our union. To continue in the footsteps of those who came before us, to further a free, caring, equal, and more successful America. To move beyond racial standoff, face our challenges, and act accordingly. At the beginning the central idea held rational and easily understandable information. “The path to a more perfect union” the acknowledgement that afflicts the community does not only exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination is real and must prevail discussion. He spoke equally from both white racism and black racism, and that this problem should be acknowledged before any process could be achieved. …show more content…

Found on the MotherJones website was written about Barack Obama's presidential speech about his views on all racism. The author talks from the perspective of being a supporter to the candidate and his speech. “Obama was not playing the race card. He was shooting the moon.” the author says this about Obama's speech where he declares the racial divide. And talks of forming a coalition to transform america. If the author has a biased opinion it could be due to their political views on the topic or who the running candidate

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