Fast Food Persuasive Memo

897 Words2 Pages

To: Junction City Daily Union
Dear Editor,
Listen up for this surprising statistic. More than one in three middle school students who regularly eat school lunches are overweight or obese. They are furthermore expected to have high LDL "bad" cholesterol levels than kids who bring lunch from home. The school system is slowing hindering our children’s health and setting them up for an extensive range of future health complications. The school lunch program offers limited nutritional value and is overloaded with processed foods. Our kid’s health and wellbeing should be top priority. Research shows that healthy eating habits help improve concentration and memory, classroom performance, and overall health. The education system is one of the top influences …show more content…

While you may conclude this is an example of a balanced meal, in order to see the lack of nutrition our children are gaining we must dig deeper. Take for example the traditional pepperoni pizza that is a popular menu item. This well liked meal includes more than six grams of saturated fat as well as pepperoni which is a processed meat and consumption increases the risk of cancer. The next favorite among children is the all American cheeseburger. That amount of saturated fat in this item is more than what they should intake in an entire meal. Finally the cheese quesadilla, it contains more than seven grams of saturated fat and almost one thousand milligrams of sodium. In addition we are serving fruit soaked in syrup and chocolate milk which contribute to high intakes of sugar. Too much sugar in your diet can result in weight gain, diabetes, and impaired immune …show more content…

I am realistic enough to know that the school system cannot afford to supply our children with only organic foods. What I am suggesting is the school system provides our children with a balanced meal. It should be a meal that contains whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, low or nonfat milk. We should work to eliminate processed foods, products that contain trans-fat and high in saturated fat, and limit sodium. Encouraging a healthy diet at school is the foundation to evolving a healthier community. Healthier lunches at school encourage an assorted diet and would inspire kids to not simply eat more nutritious meals, but to become more physically fit. In addition, healthier school lunches would be a favorable asset and will continue to enrich the community by supporting local

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