Analysis Of A Bat Mitzvah

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At the time of our Bat Mitzvah, we as Jewish women are encouraged to look to influential and inspirational Jewish women, such as Esther, for guidance and strength. A Bat Mitzvah is a Jewish ritual in which a female immediately upon the age of 12 becomes an adult or a “daughter of the mitzvah” (, 2016) (Pelaia, 2014). This ritual marks the beginning of a lifetime of devotion to the Jewish religion and with this comes the exploration of your own personal purpose that was given to you by God (Rich, 2011). Esther, a woman of the scripture, exemplifies what it means to be a Jewish woman and therefore would be an appropriate addition to my Bat Mitzvah ceremony and following this will continue to provide inspiration as I journey through life. Esther was a woman of principle who displayed great hope in a highly patriarchal period. Despite being a woman in a time where women were marginalized, she was able rise to a position of power and save her people from annihilation. She did this through the use of her beauty, her wits and her courage, attributes that at that time were greatly valued in a woman. As a female her story has much to offer to women of any faith, but particularly to a Jewish Women. Though her historical circumstances were very different …show more content…

Esther reached her ambitions at such a level that was unheard of by woman at that time. She is a prime example of how serving others is a treasured and beneficial principle. It is who Esther is that makes her Jewish, rather than her actions or what she believed (Meyers & Craven, 2001). Admired as a true heroine Esther encapsulates the true model of the feminine power and beauty of all females (Raver,

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