Analysis: All Quiet On The Western Front

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Have you ever thought about what it was like to live during World War 1, or what it was like to fight at war? At first glance of any war piece, you might think the author would try to portray the soldiers as mentally tough and have a smashing conscience. Many would think that fighting in a war shows how devoted you are to your country, however, that is not true. According to All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, the reality of a soldier's life is despondency, carnage and eradication at every bombardment. Living every day is not knowing if they will eat, see their families, or even if they will awaken the next day. Demeaning themselves from heroes to barely men without their military garment or identity. Remarque conveyed how …show more content…

Some blaming it on the prior generation’s political agendas. This loss of youth causes the destruction of what makes these soldiers people throughout the novel. One of the first quotes we begin to see Remarque delve into this “But young? Youth? That is long ago. We are old folk” (18). Paul’s character feels as if they have aged and his youth is long gone and irretrievable that their minds will never be the same. This marks a death within themselves, to Paul and many other soldiers their former lives are in essence dead. They continuously tell themselves that they are no longer young men albeit their young age they truly feel as if their old men. This makes them feel as if they had their youth robbed from them because of the war. An earlier moment when Remarque visits this motif is “...Muller, who still carries his school textbooks with him, dreams of examinations ”(3). Muller still has not lost his ambition from his youth which is a stark contrast to his comrades to them their previous life is essentially nonexistent to the soldiers now. Muller nevertheless breaks this status quo of the soldiers by still studying with his books as he still dreams of one day returning and having a successful career. At this stage while the war has fully crushed the soldiers former selves and ambitions Muller’s hopes and dreams still stand strong. …show more content…

Erich Maria Remarque develops this theme by utilizing the symbol of army attire, the motif of separation of powers between different generations, and the motif of lost innocence. Remarque visits the many horrors of wars in the field and in their consciences through powerful symbolism that convey the realities they face, readers can see this through remarks of the characters along the story. Readers observe how the loss of youth scars these men and their ambitions, how soldiers seemingly feel like kids without their attire and the great divide and distrust they hold towards their previous generation. It is in these devices readers can fully grasp the horror and tragedy of

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