An Ordinary Day With Peanuts Literary Devices

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"'Fine,' said Mr. Johnson. 'But you do look tired. Want to change over tomorrow?'" Shirley Jackson’s short story “An Ordinary Day, With Peanuts” represents like a dream how diminutive creative writing stories exemplify numerous literacy elements. Jackson entails three elements in her story: surprise-ending, plot and dialogue. With these three fundamentals in mind, she creates a memorable and funny story that never ceases to put smiles on people’s faces. For instance, in the Jackson’s work used the literacy element “surprise ending” transpires to develop her plot. As recently stated, "’Fine,’" said Mr. Johnson. "’But you do look tired. Want to change over tomorrow?’" During the whole story, it just looks like Mr. Johnson is just a very wholesome …show more content…

One instance was” Mr. John Philip Johnson shut his front door behind him and went down his front steps into the bright morning with a feeling that all was well with the world on this best of all days, and wasn’t the sun warm and good, and didn’t his shoes feel comfortable after the resoling, and he knew that he had undoubtedly chosen the very precise tie that belonged with the day and the sun and his comfortable feet, and, after all, wasn’t the world just a wonderful place?” This prefigures that Mr. Johnson was going to have a splendid day, from all of the bubbly and pleasurable adjectives and the new found comfort in Mr. Johnson’s shoes that she used. Another example of this is “Mr. Johnson radiated a feeling of well-being as he went down the steps and onto the dirty sidewalk, and he smiled at people who passed him, and some of them even smiled back. He stopped at the newsstand on the corner and bought his paper, saying, ‘Good morning’ with real conviction to the man who sold him the paper and the two or three other people who were lucky enough to be buying papers when Mr. Johnson skipped up. He remembered to fill his pockets with candy and peanuts, and then he set out to get himself uptown.” This furthermore demonstrates the foreshadowing of Mr. Johnson having a good day, because of all the cheerfulness Mr. Johnson shows and the blissful events taking

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