An Inconvenient Truth Ethos Pathos Logos

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The award-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim in 2006, sets out to make the world think differently about global warming. Al Gore is a good man with bad intentions to tell the world what they are doing wrong. Twisting and manipulating his web of lies to lead society to believe that they are causing the earths fatality. Gore manipulates the persuasive device to distort the viewers thoughts towards the effects that global warning threats have on earth. Ethos, pathos and logos are used to captivate and make the film more intriguing to ensure the viewers take on the information that Gore wants them to think about. He only ever feeds the audience what he wants them to know, all for the sake of making his “story” seem like a hard-hitting exposé.

The technique of ethos is overused by Gore in an attempt to give himself more credibility as he talks about the impending disaster of global warming. The small details like how he was dressed gave Gore authority, integrity and power making the viewers believe the concepts he is …show more content…

Gore uses many expert opinions, or as he would say, 'friends' to support his case. The use of large, colorful and interactive charts and slides contribute to making him appear as a learned man with a lot of knowledge on the issue. Gore 'proves' that global warming is real by showing how natural disasters worldwide have hit all-time records in terms of size and frequency. The rise in global temperatures is one of the many topics that Gore brings up, blaming his audience the planet is heating up because of them. He states that the 2003 heat wave in Europe which killed approximately 35,000 people, was the hottest day in on record in India in the same year at a scorching 50 degrees Celsius, killing 1400 people. The logos used throughout the documentary seems almost reasonable and leads the audience into believing Gore’s point of

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